Music Music interviews

Interview: Theresa Jeane talks about The Nearly Deads new album. 

The Nearly Deads are a force to be reckoned with! After releasing their latest album We Are The Nearly Deads earlier this month, the Nashville-based alternative rockers were met with an overwhelming positive response. Right from the opening track, Suffocating, it’s evident pianist, songwriter and lead vocalist Theresa Jeane isn’t mucking around, with mental health foremost on her mind. Her vocals are incredible and the guitars are tight with lead guitarist Steven Tobi and rhythm guitarist Javier Garza underpinning their signature sound, while behind the kit Josh Perrone anchors everything to the floor. This, the first of ten tracks, is only the beginning which sees the four-piece on a collaborative adventure like no other. That said, The Nearly Deads really find their sweet spot on tracks like Supernatural, Wonderland and Home. Moreover, with tracks like the acoustic free-flowing Wild, The Nearly Deads continue to build upon their legacy on their own terms.

I last caught up with frontwoman Theresa Jeane back in 2018, where we had  a wonderful conversation about the road the band had travelled up until that point. It’s fair to say since then the world seems different now. But even with life’s unwelcome interruptions, I’m thrilled Theresa hasn’t lost her drive. With that in mind, I recently reached out to Theresa again to talk about The Nearly Deads new album and how it captures the spirit of the band. Here is some of what we talked about.

Theresa, the new album sounds great. Did you decide to take more risks this time around? For instance, I was wondering if you used the studio environment to experiment with different guitars, pedals and or even tones away from your live set-up? 

We really wanted to make an album we were proud of and definitely tried a few new things in the studio! We recorded the piano parts for Relentless, Wonderland, and Supernatural live at the Brown Owl Studio in Nashville, TN. It was an old upright piano that had tons of character and I think that added some depth to the sounds. Working with Brian Craddock as producer was really helpful in terms of guitar tones as well. He’s such an amazing guitarist himself, and he was able to get some interesting tones for the lead guitar on the album and take Steve out of his comfort zone a little. Steve even uses a tool called an E-Bow which is like an electric bow for guitar, on our song Suffocating.

There are wonderful melodic rock and pop elements in your compositions. It’s not strictly a punk rock album? Is that a fair comment? 

The album is definitely eclectic, and that was intentional! We named it We Are The Nearly Deads because we wanted it to reflect the 4 of us individually and as a whole. The influences that we each bring to the table equally contribute to The Nearly Deads sound. Plus we figured why not experiment and make the songs we want to make. If things started going in a particular sonic direction, we really leaned into it and explored it. This is why there’s a bit of Latin influence in the horns on “Redemption”, and a bit of an Americana vibe on “Wild”. We didn’t want to be tied down to one particular sub-genre of rock (pop-punk, hard rock, pop-rock etc) because we believe at the end of the day it all works as the TND sound.

I understand Brian Craddock helped you produce the new album. How much free reign did you have over the final sound?

Brian is a super creative and inspiring person to work with and we are so happy with how the record turned out. We all really have similar working styles and tended to agree on most of what went into the album. At the end of the day, it was a win-win combination and we trusted him in the producer’s seat to help bring the songs fully to life. One particular addition was the programmed drums in “Supernatural”. When I heard the final mix for the first time I didn’t know they had been added, but they really elevated the chorus to the next level, and those are the little details you hear and think, I would never even have thought to add that but I love it!

When we last spoke you told me how Good as it Gets from the EP Revenge of the Nearly Deads was released in response to fans wanting more piano. Did you include a song on the new album that fans were screaming for?   

I think (and hope) that we achieved that with the whole album! It’s been quite a long time since our last release and we really felt we owed it to our lovely fans to really dive in on this record. It’s got heavy songs, pop punk catchy tunes, and ballads. It’s really a thank you to our fans for listening and keeping us around for so long. Without them, we’d be nowhere.

I read an interview recently where you said that the initial catalyst for the new record was partly due to the departure of your former bassist. You also said, “I think the initial idea behind We Are The Nearly Deads was us wanting to show who we are as this four-piece. It’s been the four of us for a really long time..” What have you discovered since then working as a four piece and how’s it made you stronger or closer to each other? 

Everything just feels right as the four of us. This isn’t to say anything negative about any former members, because they also helped get us to where we are today, and we love them dearly and wish them well. However, things are very seamless and everyone is always on the same page (mostly). It was 9 years ago when Josh auditioned to be our drummer and went on the first tour with us, so I think it’s safe to say he’s an official member now. We also had Josh and Javier contribute to the writing on this album, and they are both highly talented songwriters in their own right, so it’s made us infinitely better as a band to all come together and collaborate as a four piece.

I understand Suffocating was written in response to Covid where we were all stuck at home. Some more than others, for months on end. What do you remember about that period? How did it affect your mental health and did it change you as a person and or songwriter?

I definitely remember being miserable. I was scheduled to get married in April of 2020, which was right when everything went on lockdown. We had spent years saving and planning, my whole family had already made travel arrangements, our honeymoon was booked and paid for, and then the world turned upside down. Skyrim and Animal Crossing literally saved my life haha. We were happily married a year later and it was the best day of my life and literally perfect in every way, so it had a happy ending, but it took some time to cope. I also worked on some solo music since the band was also on a hiatus. I was a little stir-crazy. I missed being in the band and was struggling mentally to have an identity outside of The Nearly Deads. That break was what I needed to figure all of that out, and what I settled on was that none of us are just one thing. I am more than just the front-person of this band. I am a daughter, a wife, a sister, a caring friend, and an artist, and apparently a video game addict! So, Suffocating was born in that period of feeling like everyone believes in you but you don’t believe in yourself. Once we released the song, people started relating to it and responding to it positively. It truly helps to know that you’re not alone and that those feelings are common and often are guiding us in the right direction.

Was Covid one of the reasons for the delay between the Revenge EP and the new album? 

I’m going to be completely honest with you and say yes, but it’s a little more complicated than that. Obviously as an independent we are self funded and that can cause delays. But the band was already kind of taking a break and then the world shut down. We eased up on keeping up with social media, weren’t taking any gigs, etc. We eventually all talked and decided that another album was something that we all emotionally needed and wanted to do, so we started writing in late 2020 into 2021, and then the process started!

Theresa, self reflection is something I notice a lot about your writing process. What are some of the themes that are present in your songwriting on this album say compared to the Revenge EP?

I’ve grown so much as a person and as a woman. I want to relate to more people and hear their stories, not just tell my story. I’ve learned that some experiences are universal, and we just need to be open and talk about them to understand that we’re really all the same. Feelings of worthlessness, doubt, hope, nostalgia, regret, and power. All of those things make up a human and they all make up the album.

There are many highlights, especially the irresistible Wonderland. Can you tell us a little bit about that track?

I am thrilled that everyone loves that song so much! I really tried to get out of my comfort zone melodically because the song deserved something quirky and different. I couldn’t get the ‘Woah-oh” part out of my head, so the entire song was just a build up to that. Lyrically it’s about diving head first back into the band and into music. Alice may have longed to be back in the real world, but I was longing to tumble back into the craziness of the music business aka Wonderland. Much more interesting and exciting, no?

Wild is something I did not expect to hear from The Nearly Deads. Could you tell me something surprising about it? 

Javier is a hugely talented finger-picking guitarist. I think most people would be surprised that he wrote the majority of the song. When we initially all started writing in the round on Steve’s living room floor, I remember him bringing this to the table and thinking it was remarkable. As a band we collectively tweaked things here and there to add structure to the song and build up the chorus. It took me the longest to write the lyrics to because I wanted it to be perfect. Maybe I was being romantic since I was newlywed, but I wanted a song that people would be able to play at their weddings and dance to with their fathers, the mothers, or their friends. I wanted to write a love letter to all the dreamers like us out there. Lastly, I wanted to give my younger self the advice I wish I had gotten years ago, never fall victim to the constructs of the world around you, take chances, stay wild.

Finally, before I let you go, I understand you put on an incredible show recently at the Eastside Bowl in Nashville. Are you planning on capitalising on the incredible vibe? What are your plans for this summer and the rest of the year?

We plan on continuing to promote the new album, and you may see a few new music videos coming soon! We will also be playing a few more shows in select cities. And, who knows? Maybe we will crowd-fund an Australian tour?


Check out the new album We Are The Nearly Deads and the band’s music catalogue via Apple Music and Spotify. For more information on The Nearly Deads connect with them via their website. You can also follow them on their Facebook | Twitter | Instagram. Watch them on You Tube.

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